those a scheme has been evolved, the full details of which I have not yet learned. It seems to include filling out a very thorough questionnaire in which each person lays bare the inner self, detailing preferences and aims in life, and also describing what kind of mate is desired. Each questionnaire is given a number rather than a name, then all are slowly and painstakingly collated, compared and, if possible, paired with one another. It goes without saying that only those who are really anxious to find a mate use this method, but I understand that the introductions which result from the recommendations of the Mating Committee have been remarkably fruitful in a high per-
centage of cases and have led to the lifelong friendships that were desired. And they are constantly trying to perfect the method even further, for the more thoughtful people in the Society seem to feel that to provide those who are interested with the opportunity of finding a lifelong mate is the noblest goal of all.
Someone has just phoned that he has been assigned as my CompanionGuide. He is to help orient me with all of the facilities and buildings of The Homosexual Aid Society, here, and also with the Great City as a whole. He is also bringing with him the preliminary questionnaires of the Mating Committee which I requested. He is on his way upstairs now.
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